Lara Norgaard

Articles published in peer-reviewed journals.

  • Archipelagic Currents in the Global Novel: 24 Hours with Gaspar by Sabda Armandio in Journal of World Literature 8, no. 3

    Aug 2023

    Crime fiction, a frequently translated and highly translatable literary genre, has generated perspectives on the global and the local in ways that shape cartographies of world literature. In this essay, I explore how Indonesian novel 24 Hours with Gaspar by Sabda Armandio is a case study for how specific texts within the genre can serve as points of departure for theorizing cultural geography in an imaginative mode.

  • Plausible Intimacies: Transpacific Entanglements in Lima Barreto’s “O homem que sabia javanês” in Comparative Literature 75, no. 1

    Mar 2023

    This essay analyzes representations of Asia in the satirical 1911 short story “O homem que sabia javanês” (“The Man Who Knew Javanese”) by Brazilian author Lima Barreto. Reading the story in terms of Lisa Lowe’s concept of residual intimacies and Bruno Carvalho’s engagement of cartografia letrada (lettered cartography), I claim that Barreto crafts a fiction of plausible contact between Brazil and Java, revealing transpacific spatial and racial entanglements that categories of canonized knowledge at the turn of the 20th century failed to manage and control.

  • Ricardo Lísias: 'Não precisa acreditar no que digo. E nem acho que deva' by Ingrid Brioso Rieumont, Lara Norgaard, Márcia de Castro Borges in Fórum de Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea 10, no. 19

    Jun 2018

    A collaborative interview with Ricardo Lísias, with discussion of the 2016 parliamentary coup against Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff, freedom of artistic expression, and auto-fiction.